Help Us Celebrate 40 Years!

help us celebrate 40 years

This week’s edition of Let’s Get Real With Real Estate is all about Wind River Realty’s Golden Anniversary!

We’ve been dropping hints here and there about our 40th Anniversary, which we’ll be celebrating all year long.

You might’ve noticed our new logo on our website and Facebook page, which is just a fun little way to recognize four decades of being in business.

We hit on a few other things we’re doing and planning for our anniversary in the video below:

As I mentioned in the video, we’re planning a client appreciation party for later this year, and with tons of other fun stuff going on, you’ll want to stay tuned for more details. We’d love to have you help us celebrate this HUGE milestone!

If you don’t follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, give us a follow so you can keep up-to-date on all our fun anniversary activities.

Thank you for being part of the Wind River Realty family. The last 40 years couldn’t have happened without you!

Here’s to 40 more years…and beyond 🙂