Ask O: What Can I Do to Prep My Home For Sale?

Ask O: What Can I Do to Prep My Home For Sale?

Dear Olivia,

We are eager to sell our home, but we also understand that there are some market prep things we need to do first. What do you recommend?


Ready for a Change

First of all, kudos to you for understanding that listing your home for sale is a process! It’s smart to think ahead and consider what you might do to your home to improve the chances of a quick sale.

It’s also a great idea to think about these things now before the spring hits. When the temperatures warm up, buyers usually come out in droves, so you want your home to be ready to go on the market. So, how do you do that?

While every home is different, there are a few things that I always recommend to my clients in terms of market prep. These are simple, yet impactful things you can do over the course of a few weekends.

Declutter Your Home

We all have that catch-all space by the door or the section of the kitchen countertop where everyone drops their keys, mail, and other items. Shoes pile up, laundry overflows, and the sink gets full of dirty dishes…it’s just life!

But when you list your home for sale, it’s best not to have life’s clutter out for all to see. This doesn’t just go for laundry and dirty dishes, though.

Think of decluttering as an opportunity to edit the spaces in your home. For example, if your bedroom seems cramped, it might be because you have too much furniture for the size of the room. Removing a dresser here or a chair there can help open up the space and make it seem much larger.

Decluttering should also target the horizontal surfaces in your home. If you have a lot of collectibles, houseplants, or random items like keys, mail, and books lying around on counters and tables, putting them away will help your home seem less cluttered. It’s all about editing!

Depersonalize Your Home, Too

Photo by Jonny Caspari on Unsplash

When buyers look at a home, they need to be able to see themselves living there. Sometimes, that’s hard to do if you have personal items like family photos all over the place.

While it can be hard to remove the personal items from your home, just remember that it’s a temporary thing and that getting your current home sold faster will enable you to unpack your personal items at your new house sooner rather than later.

You don’t have to remove every single personal item from your home, but if you have large family photos that are visible the instant you walk in the home, think about packing them up while your home is on the market.

While you’re at it, try to depersonalize some of the finishes in your home, too. For example, if you’ve painted your child’s bedroom bright orange and blue because he’s a Broncos fan, it’s best to consider repainting the room a neutral color before your home hits the market. Very specific paint and decor items like that can really block a potential buyer from seeing the potential the space has.

Deep Clean Your Home

If you do anything before listing your home for sale, make sure you clean it. Buyers might be able to look past the clutter and your personal items, but it’s much more difficult to look past dirt, dust, and grime.

Every room in your home should be cleaned, but put particular emphasis on cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms. Be sure laundry is put away, closets are neatly organized, and the beds are made. If you have pets, clean up their area on a daily basis and again before any home showings.

To make your home even more welcoming, light a few candles with a subtle scent in lieu of air fresheners, which can be overwhelming. And before a showing, open all interior doors, open all blinds and curtains, and turn on every light in the home.

As I said, these are easy tips to implement, but they can have a huge impact on how buyers perceive your property!

If you have further questions about how to get your home ready to go on the market, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at 307-856-3999!
