Ask O: How Do I Manage the Stress of Being a Buyer and a Seller at the Same Time?

Ask O: How Do I Manage the Stress of Being a Buyer and a Seller at the Same Time?

Dear Olivia,

I want to buy a new home, but to do so, I need to sell my current home. That has me worried about everything involved in TWO real estate transactions. How do I manage the chaos?

Ready to Move

Buying a new home while selling your current one is definitely a balancing act that can be as thrilling as it is stressful. It’s not just about finding the perfect new house or getting the best price for your old one; it’s about timing, finances, and making sure everything aligns seamlessly.

I’ve guided many clients through this process many times, and I understand how overwhelming it can feel. But with the right strategies, you can manage the stress and successfully navigate this dual transaction!

Partner with the Right Realtor

First and foremost, you need a Realtor who understands the intricacies of managing a simultaneous buy-sell transaction. Your agent should be your advocate, guiding you through each step, negotiating the best terms, and helping coordinate both transactions. A knowledgeable realtor can significantly reduce your stress by keeping everything organized and on track and ensuring no detail is overlooked!

Get Pre-Approval for Your Mortgage

Before you even start house hunting, it’s crucial to get pre-approved for a mortgage. This step not only clarifies your budget but also puts you in a stronger position when making an offer. Sellers will take you more seriously, knowing you’re financially ready to proceed. Plus, it speeds up the buying process, reducing the time you’re caught between selling and buying.

Consider a Contingency Offer

a person holding a black pen
Photo by Mikhail Nilov on

If you’re concerned about the timing of selling your current home and purchasing a new one, a contingency offer might be your best bet. A contingency offer allows you to buy your new home only if your current one sells. While not always ideal in a competitive market, it can alleviate the pressure of trying to close two deals simultaneously.

Declutter and Stage Early

Preparing your home for sale is a step you can’t afford to leave until the last minute. Start decluttering and staging your home as early as possible. A clean, well-organized, and staged home is more appealing to buyers and can lead to a quicker sale. The sooner your home sells, the sooner you can focus on your new property.

Prioritize Your Well-Being

It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of buying and selling, but don’t forget to take care of yourself. Stress can take a toll on your physical and mental health, so make sure you’re eating well, staying active, and finding time to relax. A well-balanced approach will help you stay calm and clear-headed throughout the process.

By following these tips, you can manage the stress of buying and selling a home simultaneously. It’s a big undertaking, but with careful planning and the right support, you’ll be able to navigate the process with confidence. After all, at the end of this journey, you’ll not only have sold your old home but also be settling into your new one—a place where you can create the next chapter of your life!

If you have other questions about buying or selling real estate, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at 307-856-3999!
