3 Tips for Keeping Your Sanity While Your House is For Sale

3 Tips for keeping your sanity while your house is for sale

Let’s face it…

Selling your home can be a hugely stressful event. There’s a lot of moving parts and a lot of time and money involved, so it’s no wonder that stress is a byproduct!

But what some sellers don’t’ realize when they list their home is that life can be turned upside down on a frequent basis. After all, we need to show the property to potential buyers in order to get it sold. That means keeping your house in tip-top shape virtually all the time and being willing to accommodate showings morning, noon, and night (and weekends too!).Read more

Homeownership Still the American Dream

After the harrowing challenges experienced by so many homeowners over the last few years, many housing experts had predicted that the belief in homeownership as a major element of the American Dream would soon die. There is now conclusive evidence that these experts were wrong. As we reported back in September, The Joint Center of Housing Studies at Harvard University completed a study which concluded:

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Realities of Home Maintenance

Home maintenance is not only important when getting ready to sell your home, but is important to maintain your home’s value and condition on a day-to-day basis. Regular home maintenance will help you in the resale of your home, it can make a difference in how your buyer views the home, and how your appraiser treats the home in relation to the economic age. But, resale isn’t the first thing on everybody’s mind today, right?Read more