Ask O: Can I Contact a Listing Agent if I’m a Buyer?

Ask O: Can I contact a Listing Agent if I'm a Buyer?

Dear Olivia,

I always see that for sale signs say to contact the listing agent for the home to get more information. But shouldn’t my Realtor get details on my behalf? What gives?!

A Very Confused Buyer

What a great question! I’ve actually been asked this a lot by casual buyers who simply don’t know how to proceed with the home-buying process. And the answer to this question is that it just depends.Read more

3 Reasons to Sell Your Home in 2019

3 reasons to sell your home in 2019If you’ve been on the fence about listing your home for sale, you might want to take action soon. That’s because 2019 is shaping up to be a great year to sell your home.

Though deciding to sell your home is a big step and requires that you weigh your options, spending too much time waffling back and forth could mean that you miss a prime time to get the most value for your property.

That being the case, consider the following as top reasons to list your home sooner rather than later.Read more